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What Causes Hard Water?

Hard water is a common issue that most families face, and it can have different effects on daily activities, devices, and even personal hygiene. If you have tested positive for hard water in your area, knowing what causes it can…

How to Tell if You Have Hard Water?

Have you ever wondered why your skin feels parched, your hair lacks luster or your clean dishes have spots? Before you actually test your water for hardness, these signs could indiciate that you are experiencing hard water. Hard water is…

Testing for Hard Water at Home

To understand how water hardness affects soap efficiency, skin health and life span of household fixtures, it is important to determine water hardness. Soap scum build-up on bathroom tiles, dry skin after bathing and limescale buildup on the plumbing system…

How to Clean and Descale the Showerhead

Over time, limescale can build up on a shower head and this can cause mineral deposits that may block the nozzles thus reducing water flow and therefore making the shower experience less enjoyable. Limescale buildup is one way to tell…

Hard Water Effects on Hair and How to Treat it?

Hard water, which is water with a high concentration of minerals like calcium and magnesium has the ability to greatly affect your hair’s health and appearance. Though not necessarily harmful to our bodies, these elements can accumulate on hair strands…

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